Green Leaf Shape
Yellow Leaf

by Lulu | 26th OCT 2021 for

healthy and tasty carrot cake balls

Off-white Section Separator
Yellow Leaf

Made with real carrots, pecans, and cinnamon the flavors taste like real carrot cake, only better for you.

Off-white Section Separator

– 1 cup cashew butter – ⅓ cup + 1 tbsp coconut flour – 2 tbsp powdered monkfruit or sugar – ½ tsp vanilla extract – 1 tsp cinnamon – 1 cup finely grated carrot (2 regular carrots) – 1 cup ground pecan nuts

INGREDIENTS for carrot balls

These delicious little sweets are keto, paleo, gluten-free, and vegan

In a large bowl, add your cashew butter, vanilla, and cinnamon.

Add in the powdered monk fruit and grated carrot, mix until smooth.

It's important that your carrot be finely ground so that you can achieve a smoother texture.

Add in the ground pecans and then stir until combined.

Add in the coconut flour and stir until you have a soft dough-like consistency.

Finally, roll your dough out into 24 equal-sized balls.

If desired, you can coat the balls with a dusting of coconut flour or shredded coconut.

What to use instead of Monkfruit. You can use powdered sugar or liquid stevia instead. If using liquid stevia, try using 1 teaspoon of it and then adding in more to taste.
